If you are already pregnant, abortion is the only way to terminate your pregnancy. However, since you are seeking options, there are others to consider. 

If you don’t know for sure that you are pregnant, a good first step is a pregnancy test. At The Hope Bridge Pregnancy Resource Center, our medical team can provide one for free. 

If the test is positive, we can perform an ultrasound to give you the necessary facts about your pregnancy. We will also give you facts on your options. 

There are two alternatives to abortion: parenting and adoption. 


If you are pregnant and circumstances make it challenging to raise your child, adoption is an option. An adoption allows you to place your child with an adoptive family.

For your protection, it is best to work with an accredited adoption agency. We will gladly refer you to reputable agencies.

Qualified adoption agencies carefully screen the couples seeking to adopt using background checks and home studies. You will be able to select the adoptive family and even talk with them.

This will help you feel confident that your child will be well-cared for and safe.

In most states, you can choose the adoptive family and decide whether the adoption is open (direct contact), closed (no contact), or semi-open (contact through a third party).

However, note that open adoption agreements may not be enforceable in Texas.

You can also receive financial assistance for your medical costs, adoption-related expenses, and sometimes more.


The decision to parent a child can be challenging but also filled with happiness. One thing is certain: you don’t have to do it alone. 

How The Hope Bridge Pregnancy Resource Center Can Help

At The Hope Bridge PRC, we offer parenting classes that provide parenting information. If childbirth is a concern, we also have a class to prepare you for that. 

We also offer the Building Blocks Mentorship Program for those who desire to go deeper.  We will walk alongside you in your parenting journey.

If you need information about any of these parenting programs, adoption information, or pregnancy testing and ultrasounds, contact us. We care about you!

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